付秀伟,男,1987年11月生,教授,博士生导师,山东大学“齐鲁青年学者”。主要从事人工功能晶体的开发及应用,包括压电晶体、激光晶体、磁光晶体等功能晶体的生长及光电器件制备。近年来,在ACS Energy Lett.、Adv. Funct. Mater.、Adv. Optical Mater.、Cryst. Growth Des.、J. Alloys Compd.、人工晶体学报等国内外学术期刊发表论文30余篇,申请中国发明专利5项,日本专利1项。受邀在国际国内学术会议上发表学术报告30余次,2019年第一届人工晶体青年学术会议做邀请报告并被评为“优秀青年学者”。曾获日本材料学会优秀报告奖、日本电子学会优秀报告奖、日本陶瓷协会优秀论文奖等荣誉。
1. Transparent Lead-Free Ferroelectric (K, Na)NbO3 Single Crystal with Giant Second Harmonic Generation and Wide Mid-Infrared Transparency Window. Fangyi Yin, Lei Liu, Menghua Zhu, Junai Lv, Xin Guan, Jian Zhang, Na Lin, Xiuwei Fu*, Zhitai Jia*, Xutang Tao. Advanced Optical Materials, 2022, 2201721
2.高质量Tb3Sc2Al3O12磁光晶体的生长及性能. 郝元凯,辛显辉,刘蕾,胡强强,付秀伟*,贾志泰*,陶绪堂. 2022, 43 (07): 1070-1077
3. Tb3Al3Ga2O12 : A Novel Visible–Infrared Faraday Crystal Exhibiting a Superior Magneto-Optical Performance. Xianhui Xin, Yuankai Hao, Lei Liu, Junai Lv, Jian Zhang, Xiuwei Fu*, Zhitai Jia*, Xutang Tao. Crystal Growth and Design, 2022, 22 (9): 5535-5541.
4. Crystal Growth, Thermal and Spectral Properties of Er: LGGG Crystal. Qiaoyun Chi, Lei Liu, Xianhui Xin, Xiuwei Fu*, Zhitai Jia*, Xutang Tao. Materials, 2022, 15 (14): 4819.
5. Dual-wavelength self-Q-switched mode-locked waveguide lasers based on Nd: LGGG cladding waveguides. Shixiang Wang, Hongliang Liu, Wenxiang Mu, Ren Yingying, Zhitai Jia, Xiuwei Fu*, Xiaoli Sun*, Yuechen Jia*. Optical Materials Express, 2022, 12(3): 854-862.
6. Inch-Sized Thin Metal Halide Perovskite Single-Crystal Wafers for Sensitive X-Ray Detection. Anbo Feng, Shengdan Xie, Xiuwei Fu*, Zhaolai Chen*, Wei Zhu*. Front in Chemistry, 2021, 9: 823868.
7. Crystal growth, thermal and laser properties of Yb: CTGS single crystal. Lei Liu, Xianhui Xin, Qiaoyun Chi, Xiaofei Ma, Xiuwei Fu*, Zhitai Jia*, Xutang Tao. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2022, 578 (4): 126428.
8. Lattice engineering by Sr-substitution leads to high piezoelectric performance of (SrxCa1-x)3TaAl3Si2O14 single crystals. Xiuwei Fu*, Encarnación G. Víllora, Yoshitaka Matsushita, Yuuki Kitanaka, Yuji Noguchi, Masaru Miyayama, Kiyoshi Shimamura, Naoki Ohashi. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 851: 1-6.
9. Designing Large Area Single Crystal Perovskite Solar Cells. Xiaomei Jiang, Xiuwei Fu*, Dianxing Ju, Shuang Yang, Zhaolai Chen*, Xutang Tao*. ACS Energy Letters, 2020, 5 (6): 1797−1803.
10. Piezoelectric Ca3TaAl3Si2O14 (CTAS): High quality 2-in. single-crystal growth and electro-elastic properties from room to high (650 °C) temperature. Xiuwei Fu*, Encarnación G. Víllora, Yoshitaka Matsushita, Yuuki Kitanaka, Yuji Noguchi, Masaru Miyayama, Kiyoshi Shimamura, Naoki Ohashi. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2018, 501: 38-42.
1. 2020年获得国家自然科学青年基金资助(24万),在研
2. 2020年获得山东省自然科学青年基金资助(14万),在研
3. 2019年获得山东大学齐鲁青年学者人才项目资助(100万),在研