




任燕,2001年毕业于山东大学,师从蒋民华院士,获工学博士学位,毕业后留校任教并从事科研工作至今。目前研究方向为无机、有机光纤单晶的溶液生长及晶体物理性质的研究。近年来,在CrystEngComm, Science Advances, Crystals, Chemistry-A European Journal, Dyes and Pigments, Chemical Physics Letter, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Journal of Material Chemistry等杂志发表论文数十篇。承担多个国家级、省部级科研项目。


2022年7月-2024年1月 加拿大维多利亚大学化学系访问学者

2008年5月-2010年5月 美国加州大学圣芭芭拉分校生物化学系访问学者

2003年7月-2004年6月 香港科技大学物理系访问学者


1.Yan Ren*, Yuki Haruta, Sergey Dayneko, Jiawei Tao, Dongyang Zhang, Vishal Yeddu, Magdalena Bazalova-Carter, and Makhsud I. Saidaminov*. Surface Chemistry of Solution-Grown CsPbBr3 Single Crystals and Their Selective Cleaning for Linear-Responsive X‑ray Detectors. ACS Materials Letter, 6, 3763-3769, 2024.

2.Chixuan Li, Xueni Liu, Zeyu Gao, Jiewu Song, Chengqian Zhang, and Yan Ren*. Crystal Growth of Defect-Free Single-Crystalline Fibers in Super-High Supersaturation Solution. Inorganic chemistry, 62, 19159-19163, 2023.

3.Zeyu Gao, Xueni Liu, Chengqian Zhang, Yan Ren*. Room-Temperature Seeded Growth of Tetraphenylphosphonium Bromide Single-Crystalline Fibers. CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN, 22, 2050, 2022.

4.Houwen Yang, Chen Song, Wenyong Cheng *, Yan Ren*. Second-harmonic generation in one-dimensional ANDS microstructures by nanosecond laser radiation pulses. Optical Materials, 110, 110464, 2020.

5.Xueni Liu, Yan Ren*, Chengqian Zhang, Bo Wang, Shengqing Xia. Single-Crystalline Fibers of Deuterated Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate. CRYSTALS, 10, 2020.

6.Houwen Yang, Jiewu Song, Dazhen Li, Xiaofang Li, Wenyong Cheng* , and Yan Ren*. Nanosecond-Pulsed Frequency-Doubled Laser in Monoclinic Single-Crystalline KDP Microstructures. IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 31, 1080-1083, 2019.

7.Yan Ren*, Chao Ma, Christopher C. S. Chan, Cheng Qiang Zhang, Kam Sing Wong. Second Harmonic Generation from UV to Visible in KDP Single-crystalline Fibers. CLEO 2018, 2018.

8.Guangqiang Wang, Xiaolong Liu, Yan Ren*, Chengqian Zhang and Xutang Tao *. Growth and Characterization of Tetraphenylphosphonium Bromide Crystal. Crystals, 7, 2017.

9.Yan Ren*, Shaojun Zhang. Optical quality tetragonal phase single-crystal fiber of potassium di-hydrogen phosphate with efficient second-harmonic generation. CrystEngComm, 19, 767, 2017.

10.Yan Ren*, Xian Zhao, Edward W. Hagley, Lu Deng*. ambient-condition growth of high-pressure phase centrosymmetric crystalline KDP microstructure for optical second harmonic generation. SCIENCE ADVANCES, e1600404, 2016.

11.Yuan Yuan Wang, Yan Ren*, Jie Liu, Cheng Qian Zhang, Sheng Qing Xia, Xu Tang Tao*. Crystal growth, structure and optical properties of solvated crystalline Tris(8-hydroxyquinoline)aluminum(III)(Alq3). Dyes and pigments, 2016.

12.Xiaolong Liu, Guangqiang Wang, Yangyang Dang, Shaojun Zhang, Hanlin Tian, Yan Ren* and Xutang Tao*. A new potential nonlinear optical hybrid semi. CrystEngComm, 2016.

13.Dan Guo, Yan Ren*, Jie Liu, Xutang Tao*. Synthesis and crystal structures of imidazolium salts for quadratic optical nonlinearities. Dyes and pigments, 98, 384, 2013.

14.Nekane Guarrotxena, Yan Ren* and Alexander Mikhailovsky. Raman Response of Dithiolated Nanoparticle Linkers. Langmuir, 27, 347, 2011.

15.Yan Ren* and Guillermo C. Bazan*. Trifluoromethyl-Substituted Conjugated Oligoelectrolytes. Chem. Eur. J, 16, 11028, 2010.

16.Qun Zhang, Yan Ren*,Chen Ma, Dong-Ju Zhang, Da-Te Li, Xu-Tang Tao, Min-Hua Jiang. synthesis and structures of two novel iodolo[3,2-b] carbazole derivatives. Struct Chem, 20, 807, 2009.

17.Ma Chen*, Ren Yan*, Zhang Qun, Ding Kai, Zhao Jun, Zhang Dongju. A novel one-pot synthesis of pyrroloquinoline and pyrroloisoquinoline derivatives in ionic liquid. chem.lett., 36, 1152, 2007.

18.Yan Ren, Qian Xin, Xu-Tang Tao *, Lei Wang, Xiao-Qiang Yu, Jia-Xiang Yang, Min-Hua Jiang. Novel multi-branched organic compounds with enhanced two-photon absorption benefiting from the strong electronic coupling. Chemical Physics Letters, 414, 253, 2005.

19.Yan Ren, Jacky W. Y. Lam,Yongqiang Dong, Ben Zhong Tang, and Kam Sing Wong*. Enhanced Emission Efficiency and Excited State Lifetime Due to Restricted Intramolecular motion in silole aggregates. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, 109, 1135, 2005.

20.Yan Ren, Yongqiang Dong, Jacky W.Y. Lam, Ben Zhong Tang, Kam Sing Wong*. Studies on the aggregation-induced emission of silole film and crystal by time-resolved fluorescence technique. Chemical Physics Letters, 402, 468, 2005.

21.Yan Ren*, Xiao-Qiang Yu, Dong-Ju Zhang, Dong Wang, Ming-Liang Zhang, Gui-Bao Xu, Xian Zhao, Yu-Peng Tian, Zong-Shu Shao and Min-Hua Jiang. Synthesis, structure and properties of a new two-photon photopolymerization initiator. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 12, 3431, 2002.

22.Yan REN, Xiao Qiang YU, Dong WANG, Guang Yong ZHOU, Zhi Qiang LIU, Yu Fang ZHOU, Xian ZHAO, Zong Shu SHAO, Ji Yang WANG, Min Hua JIANG*. Two-photon up-conversion luminescent properties of HMASPS and HEASPS in three different polymer matrices. CHINESE CHEMICAL LETTERS, 13, 452, 2002.

23.Yan Ren, Qi Fang,* Wen-Tao Yu, Hong Lei, Yu-Peng Tian, Min-Hua Jiang, Qing- Chuan Yang and Thomas C. W. Mak. Synthesis, structures and two-photon pumped up-conversion lasing properties of two new organic salts. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 10, 2025, 2000.

24.Yan Ren, et al. Synthesis, structures and up-conversion luminescence properties of two new organic laser dyes. Acta Chimica Sinica, 58, 1457, 2000.

25.Yan REN, Guang Yong ZHOU, Chun WANG, Xiao Mei WANG, Zhi LIU, Xian ZHAO, Wen Tao ;YU, Min Hua JIANG. A new organic up-conversion laser dye HEASPS. CHINESE CHEMICAL LETTERS, 11, 685, 2000.

26.Yan REN; Qi FANG; Yun Xing YAN; Xiao Met WANG; Zhi LIU, Guangyong ZHOU, Chun WANG, Xian ZHAO, Min Hua JIANG. Synthesis and characterization of a new organic up-conversion laser dye HMASPS. CHINESE CHEMICAL LETTERS, 11, 395, 1999.




