题 目:Silicon carbide based photonics

Light Extraction ApS,创始人
■时 间:2017年10月24日 10:00
■地 点:晶体材料研究所二楼报告厅
■报告简介:Due to the inherent limitations of silicon in photonic application, new material platforms are always very interesting research
subjects. In this talk, our pioneered work on silicon carbide (SiC) based photonic devices will be presented, with focus on two representative devices: light emitters and waveguide components. We have demonstrated strong visible light emission by either doping SiC heavily by donor-acceptor pair (DAP) recombination or forming porous structures in SiC. By combining strong yellow emission from B-N co-doped SiC and the blue-green emission from porous SiC, a high color-rendering- index white light source is achieved. SiC optical waveguides outperform Si waveguides with respect to low two-photon absorption. Our recent results on SiC waveguides will be discussed as well.
■报告人简介:Haiyan Ou received her PhD degree in semiconductor devices and microelectronics from the Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2000. From 2000, she has joined Technical University of Denmark DTU), where she was promoted as associate professor in 2005. She was a JSPS (Japanese Society for promotion of Science) fellow at Meijo University (2011), and a visiting professor at the Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Science (2011). She was the co-organizer of the symposium G at E-MRS 2013, symposium O at E-MRS 2017 and the LED symposium at PIERS 2014. Her scientific background is in the areas of materials and devices for optical communication, photovoltaics and light emission. She has led a number of national projects and is managing a 7 researcher team daily. She has published more than 188 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers, including one in prestigious journal Nature and 13 invited talks at international conferences. She is the founder of Light Extraction ApS. She is winner of the 2013 strategic research award for research with great innovation potential from the Danish council for strategic research. She is in the editorial board of Scientific Reports.